Andrea's Collection
Website: Andrea's CollectionAndrea's Collection
This site is about my collection not about me but I was born in Melbourne Australia in 1952. I'm a baby-boomer. I'm single and I live in a beautiful coastal town in Western Victoria. I have always been a collector, even as a child I had boxes of things under my bed. I love history and I'm a member of our local historical society. I love to read, particularly murder mysteries. I enjoy listening to music, I've even come to appreciate some but only some country music. I recently retired from a great job in the tourism industry. I love cats and I like dogs too. I have a great family, several close friends and have met and enjoyed the company of many crazy collectors just like me over my lifetime. I'm a very contented person and I appreciate the fact that I have the means and the opportunity to indulge my passion of perfume bottle collecting.